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Auto-generating package API with mkdocstrings

Whenever I land on a new Python package docs these days, the docs tend to be built with mkdocs and the mkdocs-material theme, heralding a bit of a departure from the era of the Sphinx.

It's true, Sphinx still remains very popular and is endlessly extensible through its directives feature and its many plugins, but there is something about the beauty of mkdocs-material, its ease of deployment and its richness in features that makes it such a popular choice right now.

Not to forget the simplicity of writing content in markdown which is very widely understood. All good reasons why I started this blog with mkdocs-material!

One thing that Sphinx does very well is autogenerating your project's API using the information present in docstrings. This doesn't come out of the box with mkdocs, but can be enabled with the plugin mkdocstrings which has some great features.

The main usage of mkdocstrings seems to be centred around the concept of inline injection, but I wanted to test out their automatic API docs generation feature which they provide a recipe for here.

Setting up

So there's not too much too it - only 4 steps:

  1. Add and install the docs dependencies

    mkdocs = "^1.5.3"
    mkdocs-material = "^9.5.9"
    mkdocstrings = {extras = ["python"], version = "^0.24.0"}
    mkdocs-gen-files = "^0.5.0"
    mkdocs-literate-nav = "^0.6.1"
    mkdocs-section-index = "^0.3.8"
  2. Add these plugin details to mkdocs.yml

    - search
    - gen-files:
        - scripts/
    - literate-nav:
    - section-index
    - mkdocstrings
  3. Add the reference section to the navigation settings in mkdocs.yml

    - Home:
    - API Reference: reference/

  4. Add the script to the scripts/ folder at the top level

Trying it out

To test this out I created a dummy package, and for a bit of fun I centred it on a Gandalf class 🧙‍♂️.

The Gandalf Class
"""Defines the main Gandalf class."""
from typing import Literal, get_args

from .utils import Mount

WEAPONS = Literal["Glamdring", "Narya", "Staff"]
COLOURS = Literal["white", "grey"]

class Gandalf:
    """A Gandalf class.

        colour: The colour of Gandalf's robes. Defaults to 'grey'.

    colour: str = "grey"

    def __init__(self, weapon: WEAPONS = "Staff"):
        """Initialises Gandalf.

            weapon: The weapon that Gandalf wields, defaults to 'Staff'.
            mount: Gandalf's current steed, defaults to None.
        self._weapon = weapon
        self._mount = None

    def set_colour(cls, colour: COLOURS):
        """Set Gandalf's colour."""
        if colour not in get_args(COLOURS):
            raise ImproperGandalfColourError
        cls.colour = colour

    def weapon(self):
        """The weapon property."""
        return self._weapon

    def weapon(self, weapon: WEAPONS):
        """Setter for the weapon property."""
        if weapon not in get_args(WEAPONS):
            raise WrongWeaponError
        self._weapon = weapon

    def mount(self):
        """Gandalf's mount."""
        return self._mount

    def mount(self, mount: Mount):
        """Setter for the mount property."""
        self._mount = mount

    def deny(self, verb: str) -> None:
        """Shout a denial of a doing word.

            verb: An action word to deny someone of.
        if not self.weapon == "Staff":
            raise NeedStaffToDenyError("Gandalf doesn't have weapon set to 'Staff'.")
        print(f"YOU SHALL NOT {verb.upper()}!!!")

    def travel(self) -> None:
        """Ride mount to destination."""
        if not self.mount:
            raise NoMountSetError("Gandalf needs a mount to travel.")

class NoMountSetError(Exception):
    """Raise when no mount is set for Gandalf.."""

class NeedStaffToDenyError(Exception):
    """Raise when Gandalf tries to deny without his staff."""

class ImproperGandalfColourError(Exception):
    """Raise when user tries to set Gandalf to the wrong colour."""

class WrongWeaponError(Exception):
    """Raise when user tries to set a wrong weapon for Gandalf."""

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Chosen weapon must be one of {get_args(WEAPONS)}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gandalf = Gandalf()
    gandalf.weapon = "Glamdring"

I devised a few rules around setting Gandalf's weapon and his mount. And I gave him two methods for things that he absolutely loves to do:

  • deny (because Gandalf loves telling you that you shall not do something)
  • travel (because he gets about the map blimming fast)


I tried to use a variety of different techniques to see how they generated in the autodocs, such as methods, properties and class methods.

I also created two classes with parent ABC Mount in the, one for ShadowFax and one for the big eagle that comes to his aid.

Gandalf's utils
"""Some Gandalf utils."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Mount(ABC):
    """A mount for Gandalf."""

    def ride() -> None:
        """Ride the mount."""

class Shadowfax(Mount):
    """A fast white pony."""

    def ride():

class Gwaihir(Mount):
    """A great big f**king eagle."""

    def ride():

So now that we have our watertight Gandalf API, we can see how the docs look once generated.

Doing it for real

I noticed an open issue on the Dynaconf GitHub page which was tagged as a good first issue. They had migrated over to mkdocs-material but they hadn't yet enabled any autogeneration of their API docs. It was present on their old docs but not on their new docs.

What they needed was for mkdocstrings to be setup and some tuning to present their API reference as they wanted. I'm not a frequent contributor to open-source but this seemed simple enough that I could do it and also a decent opportunity to learn something, so I started prepping the demo run and offered to give it a go.

Before the maintainers could reply to my offer, I went gun-ho and made a first attempt to build the API reference using the same automated recipe that I'd attempted on my dummy API. However, there was a slight difference in the project structure of the dynaconf project that meant a few changes were needed; the script assumes the following structure:

└── src/
    └── dynaconf/

... but dyanconf doesn't have the src/ folder:

└── dynaconf/

This requires the following changes to the script:
"""Generate the code reference pages and navigation."""
from pathlib import Path

import mkdocs_gen_files

nav = mkdocs_gen_files.Nav()

root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
src = root / "dynaconf"  # (1)!

for path in sorted(src.rglob("*.py")):  # (2)!
    module_path = path.relative_to(root).with_suffix("")
    doc_path = path.relative_to(root).with_suffix(".md")  # (3)!
    full_doc_path = Path("reference", doc_path).resolve()  # (4)!

    parts = tuple(

    if parts[-1] == "__init__":
        parts = parts[:-1]
        doc_path = doc_path.with_name("")
        full_doc_path = full_doc_path.with_name("")
    elif parts[-1] == "__main__":

    nav[parts] = doc_path.as_posix()

    with, "w") as fd:
        identifier = ".".join(parts)
        print("::: " + identifier, file=fd)

    mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(full_doc_path, path)

    Path("reference/").resolve(),  # (5)!
) as nav_file:
  1. Define project root and src as different variables.
  2. Glob the py files from src
  3. Define module_path and doc_path relative to root.
  4. Resolve relative paths - see warning below.
  5. Resolve relative paths - see warning below.


If the relative paths were not resolved, the mkdocs-gen-files plugin seemed to place the files outside of the project folder. This caused the mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin used by dynaconf to throw git errors.

These changes allowed the full API reference to be built successfully, and it looked like this in the docs:

dynaconf API reference

Simplifying it

After going gun-ho and generating the full API for every single module, I had some feedback from the maintainers that it was preferred not to have all these modules generated as many of them do not contain public facing API. Time to scale it back.

One thing I noticed was that at the top dynaconf level in the reference, it actually auto-generated everything that was present in the top level API that was defined in the

__all__ = [


It only includes what has been set in the __all__ property, not everything that is imported into

With that in mind, we can potentially do away with the recursive generation of sub-modules since in this case we are only interested in exposing the top level API. And therefore the only two steps needed are:

  1. Create a new markdown file in the docs with the following:
    # dyanconf API
    ::: dynaconf
  2. And add the section to the navigation in mkdocs.yml
    - Home:
    - Reference:
        - API:

We end up with a much more simple solution which does the job well and shows off the awesome power of the mkdocstrings plugin!

To get the API docs looking super nice, there's a couple of extra settings that were added in this case:

  - mkdocstrings:
            show_symbol_type_heading: true # (1)!
            show_symbol_type_toc: true # (2)!
            show_root_toc_entry: false # (3)!
            show_object_full_path: true # (4)!
  1. Adds the class symbol in front of the object: Adds symbols
  2. Adds symbols to the table of contents: ToC Symbols
  3. Removes the module from the top of the toc - it doesn't correspond to anything on the page: Module in Toc
  4. Adds the full dot path to the object: Dot path

Further CSS customisation was added for the Material theme, as recommended in the mkdocstrings docs. I put the CSS in docs/stylesheets/mkdocstrings.css and added the following to mkdocs.yml:

  - stylesheets/mkdocstrings.css

With that all done my PR was approved and merged 🦾 and the resulting docs can be previewed here.

There are a few improvements to be made to the docstrings themselves but that's for another time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first post and I hope you have the confidence to go and give mdocstrings a go in your own projects.
